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Specifications of the Kodak Playsport Zx 5 Video Camera


Information about the latest gadgets camera. Kodak  Zx5 PLAYSPORT series, you can create photo and video recording, released a new video camera and the valuation of Kodak Zx5 PLAYSPORT, Please read the specifications detailed comments below.

Zx5 PLAYSPORT Kodak camera is waterproof HD pocket video camera Kodak's second generation. The company has to shoot up to 10 meters, it will enrich your home video camera to be able to withstand drops of up to 5 feet, is waterproof and as usual. This is dirt, dust, adds protection and shock. And built-in image stabilization, a smooth ride even worse.
KODAK PLAYSPORT Zx5 video camera, 5MP sensor with LCD glare shield feature to adjust the screen to handle the exceptional super bright sunlight, the lens size 35mm, 4x digital zoom and 2 "LCD screen has been introduced. 1080p video in addition to the mono sound and its predecessor, the image capture Zx5 PLAYSPORT HD, amazing !!

Price Kodak Playsport Zx5 Video Camera : $179.95.
Kodak Playsport Zx5 Features & Specifications :
* Full 1080p HD videos and 5 MP HD stills, with auto focus
* Shockproof, dustproof, and waterproof up to 10 ft
* 5MP CMOS Sensor
* 35mm Equivalent Lens
* 4x Digital Zoom
* 2.0? LCD Display
* 128MB Internal Memory
* HD JPEG Still Image Capture
* 1080p MPEG-4 Video Capture
* Monaural Microphone
* Single Speaker
* Multiple Capture Effects
* Built-In Editing
* Digital Image Stabilization
* SD/SDHC Expansion
* USB Connector
* AV/HDMI Outputs
* Wrist Strap
* Windows/Mac
* 1-Year Warranty
* Kodak Share destinations Facebook, FLICKR, Kodak Gallery, YouTube, Twitter, ORKUT, YANDEX and KAIXIN001 sites2, e-mail, and Kodak Pulse Digital Frame/Display.

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