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Canon Speedlite 320EX II Flash Unique To Record Video


For users of digital cameras, flash is an important tool to help us obtain additional light if we are shooting in dark light conditions. In general, digital cameras already include internal flash obtained in the camera body. This includes to point and shoot cameras, prosumer and DSLR. Especially for prosumer and DSLR, usually have no hotshoe or a place to be mounted external flash.

In 2011, Canon is quite famous for its wide range of DSLR cameras started to introduce a new type of flash that I think is quite unique, namely the Canon Speedlite 320EX. Flash has a guide number 32. For information, previously Canon already has two types of flash that is quite famous for the Speedlite 580EX II with a guide number 190 (on 105mm/ISO 100) and the Speedlite 430EX II with a guide number 141 (on 105mm/ISO 100), while the Speedlite 320EX has a guide number 105 (at 105mm/ISO 100). Indeed Canon conditioned typenya number representing the ability to flash, the greater the number typenya, the stronger the ability of flash.

Unlike the Speedlight 430EX II, 320EX II Speedlight for not having an LCD rear section, so it only consists of buttons for operation of the flash and LED indicator lights that flash is ready for use, but the wireless function of the support 3 group remains available in Speedlight 320EX II.

One of the advantages that were not in the Canon Flash function is the availability of another type build in LED light that is at the front of the Speedlight 320EX II flash. This helps to provide continuous light on the object to be in shoot using a video recording mode. Maybe this is Canon's improvement since this time almost all types of Canon DSLR can record video directly from the camera, so the light should be available to continue the external flash. If we use a continuous light from the LED front Speedlight 320EX II, the LED flash that can survive for about 4 hours with AA battery conditions that have been charged full.


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